Photo Day: Turtle Fort {Naperville Portrait Photographer}

I’ve been down and out with some sort of monster illness (Cold?  Sinus-infection? Head-falling-off?  Yes.), and I know I’ve been neglecting my photo blog recently.

However, when Bebe H built this little fort and declared herself a turtle this morning, I just had to pull on my big-girl-britches and get the photo.   The little things matter, and I want to capture them.

She said this is the face a turtle makes for a photograph.

She said this is the face a turtle makes for a photograph.


Like this photo?  Check out some other posts like the Reluctant Model child portrait, the Backyard Belly kid photograph or maybe the little Twirling kid picture.

Ciao for now,


Want a photography session by Naperville-based Appelman Images Photography for yourself?  Contact me now! [CONTACT_FORM_TO_EMAIL]