Photo Day: Lipgloss {Naperville Child Photographer}

Bebe H got a set of princess lipglosses for her third birthday a few months ago, and she Luuurrrrrrrrvvs them.  Capital L.

She paints those suckers on whenever she gets her hands on them.  She’s sparkly, gooey, fruity lipped most days.

Well, in her newfound three-year-old maturity, however, she’s learning a little about being a big sister and trying to set a good example for her bebe brother.  Sometimes, this means sharing.

And very often Bebe O is more than willing to participate.

Naperville Child Photographer, Kid photos, custom photography, editorial, lifestyle, family portraits, Naperville, IL, Naperville Photogarpher

Like this photo?  Want to see more quirky, editorial, lifestyle custom photography by yours truly?  Well check out a few of my other posts, like the Backyard Belly Naperville child portrait, the Reluctant Model kid photo and the Morning Technophile child picture.


Want a custom photo session by Appelman Images Photography?  Contact me now!  Summer fills fast 🙂


Ciao for now,
