Naperville Child Photographer | Baby Animal | Lifestyle Candid Photos

naperville Illinois child photographer, black and white, baby, child picture, professional candid photo, child, cage, fun, play, boy,

You’re gonna hear me (baby) roarrrrrr!


Sometimes I have to laugh at the situations I take pictures of for my children.  I needed to get a shot of my littles for this weeks installment of Our Littles Collected, which is a super fun, quick collection of (usually) Lifestyle Photos of kiddos.  It’s awesome to check out how folks live, one (professional) snapshot at a time 🙂

Bebe O happens to like our dog’s cage.  He’s only a year old, but he gets in to PLENTY of trouble, so when he’s interested in hanging out in there – who am I to complain??

It’s where the wild things are!


Interested in capturing all the shenanigans and tom-foolery happening with your own awesome family?

Well shoot, give me a call, won’t you? I’d love to capture it for you.  It’ll be the most fun you’ve had in front of a camera all year. 🙂


(And you can see some more Lifestyle Photography in some other posts, like the Oranges baby picture, the summer storm sun-shout little girl portrait, or a simple professional candid deck moment.)


Ciao for now,


Your Naperville Photographer, capturing All the Little Things