Live and Up Close – Naperville Lifestyle Photography

Today’s iheartfaces photo-a-day challenge theme is



I don’t have a true macro lens (that’s the type of lens you use to take photos of bug eyeballs and stuff) – so you won’t be seeing any grasshopper retinas here.

I do, however have several people in my house that like to get upcloseandpersonal most of the day (and I have to tell you, I think my life is better for that…)

The thing is, I tend to be a close-cropper – meaning I get upcloseandpersonal myself to my subjects most of the time.    So this edition of my lifestyle photography gallery shows a lot of the sweet faces you’ve come to know while following my blog.


We started off in the morning as I was getting the bebes ready to leave the house.

Firstly – a kissy for Papa

naperville photographer, appelman images photography, lifestyle photo, girl, toddler, iheartfaces, closeup, papa kiss

Then we had to make some breakfast of champions  (PB&J), and use the fine serving-wear.

Bebe H likes to “help” by making sure no peanut butter goes to waste.

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naperville photographer, appelman images photography, lifestyle photo, girl, toddler, iheartfaces, closeup, cups naperville photographer, appelman images photography, lifestyle photo, girl, toddler, iheartfaces, closeup, cupsnaperville photographer, appelman images photography, lifestyle photo, girl, toddler, iheartfaces, closeup

naperville photographer, appelman images photography, lifestyle photo, babies, iheartfaces, closeupnaperville photographer, appelman images photography, lifestyle photo, boy, baby, bw, iheartfaces, closeup


Bebe O needed a little chewie while Bebe H was at schoolnaperville photographer, appelman images photography, lifestyle photo, boy, baby, iheartfaces, closeup, shoe, blue



The adventures of Spiderman deserved a little up-close documentation too, we thought.naperville photographer, appelman images photography, lifestyle photo, spiderman, boy, baby, iheartfaces, closeup


naperville photographer, appelman images photography, lifestyle photo, spiderman, boy, baby, iheartfaces, closeup




And of course, my beautiful, patient, soulful Gus.   <3naperville photographer, appelman images photography, lifestyle photo,  iheartfaces, closeup, doggie


Ciao for now,


For more lifestyle photography, take a look at other Appelman Images Photography posts, such as


Pictures of the Corn Shoes

Apples for the Appelman‘s

Flying Leap

Photography is Key
