Category Archives: photography

Spring Promotion – Naperville and Chicago Area Photographer

Hello Hello! So even though we’ve just had a snowstorm and I need to go shovel snow (AGAIN)  – I’m thinking SPRING! So without further ado, I announce the Appelman Images Photography Spring 2013 PROMOTION! (Taaah daaahhhhhh!)   Here’s the scoop – I want you (YES YOU!) to NOMINATE someone to receive a FREE MINI…

March Photo Day – Naperville, IL Lifestyle Photography

My friends over at IHeartFaces run all sorts of fun photo challenges to get photogs practicing, thinking outside of the box, and to just take photos for *fun*! They’re running a March Photo a Day challenge – super low pressure – participate as you can. I’ve been meaning to participate since March 1.  But life…

Using my Powers for Good – Naperville Photographer

A friend of ours has a couple of family members with Cystic Fibrosis.  It’s a terrible, scary disease that affects the tiniest of folks, and weirdly, those folks affected can’t hang out together.  (I hope to get some photographs of the sweet little kids of Team O’Connell and post them here on my blog… next week)…

Couples and Engagment Photos by Naperville Photographer

Hi everyone! This is just a quick post to check interest – I want to get a few more couples in my portfolio – you know – the kind of couples shoots showing snuggles, adoring looks, and overall lovey-dovey-ness of people in love.  Here’s a couple of examples I did for an adorable local Naperville…

Photographriend Highlight

As grown-ups, we learn it’s harder to make friends then it was when we were kids in school. Often, we have jobs that provide us with a set of people from which to make work-friends – but unfortunately those friendships rarely extend outside of work hours. In Photography, you’re often alone most of the time. …