Category Archives: photography

Photo-a-Day: April 8, Runners

Morning, April 8, 2013.  

A Style Evolution – Naperville, IL Appelman Images Photography

I’ve long enjoyed taking photos of real people.  Events of the day, the things that really happen. The in-between moments if you will.  The way people really are, not just how they’re posed for a few seconds. The kids with the messy faces and the shoes untied and the sideways glances.  These are the things…

The First Warm Day – Lifestyle Photography by Appelman Images

The weather has been wonky lately but you can tell it’s inching towards the summer by the frequency of warm-ish days. Today was one of those happy days where you could jusssst get away with leaving your coat at home if you moved briskly or maybe had a hot coffee in your hands. Near sundown…

Springtime Outdoors – Naperville Lifestyle Photography

Today we tried out the new kite the kids got from their Gramma over her last visit. Although yesterday we barely needed a jacket… Exhibit A: Spring-like weather Today it felt like we should be hibernating under heated blankets.   Nevertheless, Bebe H was super excited to learn to fly her new toy and insisted…

Seeing Green in March – Naperville Lifestyle Photography

How cool is this?  I just joined a group of photographers in a Blog Circle!  (yea, I’d never heard of it before, either – but keep reading 🙂    ) Basically – each month a theme is given to us and we all have to produce a photoblog based on the theme (this month it was…