She came to show me her “very important rings” today. Like this photo? There’s more! Check out the early morning technophile photo, or the little hands photograph, or try this blog post about our first spring day pictures! Ciao for now, -Kate
Today we tried out the new kite the kids got from their Gramma over her last visit. Although yesterday we barely needed a jacket… Exhibit A: Spring-like weather Today it felt like we should be hibernating under heated blankets. Nevertheless, Bebe H was super excited to learn to fly her new toy and insisted…
I’m really more of a primary and jewel-tones type of person, so when I saw that the iheartfaces theme for my photo-a-day March challenge was “Pastel” I was at a loss at first. Even thought it’s feeling rather spring-like and it’s Easter tomorrow, nothing pastel-y felt particularly inspiring. It took some procrastination, some cold…
Today’s iheartfaces photo-a-day challenge theme is “Close-Up” I don’t have a true macro lens (that’s the type of lens you use to take photos of bug eyeballs and stuff) – so you won’t be seeing any grasshopper retinas here. I do, however have several people in my house that like to get upcloseandpersonal most…
[…] Springtime Outdoors – Naperville Lifestyle Photography April 1, 2013 […]