Category Archives: My Life

Springtime Outdoors – Naperville Lifestyle Photography

Today we tried out the new kite the kids got from their Gramma over her last visit. Although yesterday we barely needed a jacket… Exhibit A: Spring-like weather Today it felt like we should be hibernating under heated blankets.   Nevertheless, Bebe H was super excited to learn to fly her new toy and insisted…

Pastel Love – Lifestyle Naperville Photos by Appelman Images Photography

I’m really more of a primary and jewel-tones type of person, so when I saw that the iheartfaces theme for my photo-a-day March challenge was  “Pastel”    I was at a loss at first.  Even thought it’s feeling rather spring-like and it’s Easter tomorrow, nothing pastel-y felt particularly inspiring. It took some procrastination, some cold…

Live and Up Close – Naperville Lifestyle Photography

Today’s iheartfaces photo-a-day challenge theme is  “Close-Up”    I don’t have a true macro lens (that’s the type of lens you use to take photos of bug eyeballs and stuff) – so you won’t be seeing any grasshopper retinas here. I do, however have several people in my house that like to get upcloseandpersonal most…

Shut the Front Door! (Or don’t.) – Naperville Photographer

  The bebes have a thing with our pantry. They know that’s (one of the places) where  the snacks are,  it’s where the broom lives, there are shelves to climb, and it’s a pretty good hiding spot when you close the door.  There’s a lot of bang for your buck in that little closet. When…