Category Archives: My Life

Open for (Photography) Business, Phase II

Today the fine folks at posted this quote on their Facebook page  You don’t need to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   This was especially inspiring to me today, as a representation of firsts and faith.


Check out this sweet little guy. He makes my job *so* easy – not only is he just naturally a charmer, but he smiles really easily for photos (or really for anything).  It’s hard to take a bad picture of him! He turned the big ONE year old this month, so we wanted to be…

Holidays! Oof!

Growing up I always envied my friends that were so busy in December.  It seemed that their giant families offered all kinds of fun and parties and gifts.  They acted like they dreaded all the attention and hub-bub, but I didn’t see why in the world they’d *not* like that sort of busy-ness. This year,…