Author Archives: Kate Appelman

Modern photographer looking for honest, quirky and fun portraits worth framing. Dog lover, moment maker, coffee and chocolate enjoyer. On location, lifestyle, photojournalistic and in-studio locations.

Chicago Family Photographer | O Family | Oak Park Lifestyle Photography

    Hey, you know what’s cool?  Hanging out with a super relaxed, down to earth family who happens to be super adorable.  Mom’s a total go-getter-jet-setter who still finds a way to put homemade pancakes on the table, Dad is an Office-by-day-play-buddy-by-night for his super sweet super-proud-and-did-I-mention-energetic little boy/big brother to precious little new-baby-with-the-cutest-eyes-you-ever-did-see….

Naperville Family Photographer | “R” Family Portraits | Lifestyle Photography

  The photography blog circle theme for November is “Family”. I recently had the pleasure of photographing this little family, awaiting the birth of a new little boy.  If he’s anything like his big sister, he’ll be adorable and incredibly charming! Family portraits are so wonderful to have, and I’m honored each and every time…

Naperville Child Photographer | Cheeky Girl | Lifestyle Photography in Naperville

  Photographing kids is always so much fun!  Even at three years old this little one has more attitude and self-confidence than most adults I know.  They’re fun, silly and they make you think – when you’re not chasing after them or secretly counting down to nap-time (what’s that?) This child’s photograph is also featured…

Chicago Family Portrait | The Piano Lesson | Naperville Photographer

I’ve been a professional family photographer in Naperville and the surrounding area for some years, but the thing with photography is that you can Never really learn it all.  I’ve got eons of learning to go, and that keeps it exciting.  This shoot was wonderful because it granted the opportunity to use gorgeous window light,…

Naperville Family Photographer | Stormy Weather | Baby Portrait

  For a child as sunshine-y as this one is, a portrait can say a thousand words.  Moments of quiet do in fact occur, and sometimes we can capture them with Lifestyle photography. Quiet reflection or plotting a sneak attack on his sister – hard to say… but the clouds seem to be swirling in…