Author Archives: Kate Appelman

Modern photographer looking for honest, quirky and fun portraits worth framing. Dog lover, moment maker, coffee and chocolate enjoyer. On location, lifestyle, photojournalistic and in-studio locations.

Naperville Documentary Portraits of Kids at Home – The Marker Incident

  My kids are still very small and curious and, well, not exactly very coordinated.  And like most small kids (and big kids), they like arts and crafts and coloring and all of that sort of stuff. Call me a mean mommy, but I usually don’t let them have markers and paint and glue and…

New Year Naperville Kid Pictures and a Brand New Family 52 Project

Fun Kid Pictures at Home – Naperville and Chicago Portraits     Some days the light cooperates. Some days the colors coordinate. Some days the littles participate. But usually these are not on the same days. However, in a fit of serendipity, today I experienced a trifecta of these very things and was able to…

Blanket Fort – Naperville Kid Photographer

  One day my kids’ bebesitter taught them (sort of) how to make a blanket-fort on our couch (meaning she did it and now they ask me to recreate it for them all the time). Check it out, Little H requires a fort most days just to watch TV.  I get it.  We all need…