Author Archives: Kate Appelman

Modern photographer looking for honest, quirky and fun portraits worth framing. Dog lover, moment maker, coffee and chocolate enjoyer. On location, lifestyle, photojournalistic and in-studio locations.

Photographriend Highlight

As grown-ups, we learn it’s harder to make friends then it was when we were kids in school. Often, we have jobs that provide us with a set of people from which to make work-friends – but unfortunately those friendships rarely extend outside of work hours. In Photography, you’re often alone most of the time. …

Love Photo Contest

It was a VERY close call, but after my (short) voting period closed (here’s the page about the first photo contest entry voting), the photo of the papa, bebe and mama won out for my first entry in to the monthly theme contest. This month’s theme (appropriately for February) is Love. Here’s the winning…

Love – Vote for your Favorite

One of my favorite photography sites hosts a monthly photography competition based on a theme they announce and the stipulation that a face be showing in the photo. This week’s theme is “Love” I can’t decide which photo I should submit – I can only choose one, and I have to choose quickly! Which do…

Open for (Photography) Business, Phase II

Today the fine folks at posted this quote on their Facebook page  You don’t need to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   This was especially inspiring to me today, as a representation of firsts and faith.