Author Archives: Kate Appelman

Modern photographer looking for honest, quirky and fun portraits worth framing. Dog lover, moment maker, coffee and chocolate enjoyer. On location, lifestyle, photojournalistic and in-studio locations.

Photo-a-Day: Blue – {Naperville Lifestyle Photographer}

I actually was going to skip the photo-a-day blog post today. Bebe H has been running a fever too high to mention lest anyone challenge me in disbelief – and I’ve been distracted with that and also bebe O running a bit of a temp and feeling particularly attention starved as well. But in editing…

The W Family – Naperville, IL Family Photographer

I was thrilled when Tracy called me to schedule a lifestyle session with her little family.  She’s fun, has an amazing story and lives right down the street. They wanted to capture a weekend tradition in their house – Sunday morning blueberry pancakes.  Awwwwwwesooommmmme! I totally felt like part of the family hanging out with…

Photo-a-Day: May 3 – The Protector {Naperville Family Photographer}

For as much grief as Bebe O puts Gus through, Gus is an excellent big brother. Ever since the bebes were born, if one of them were crying, Gus always ran to be with them.  If the bebe’s door was closed, Gus would sit outside their room, waiting for one of us to come check….