Author Archives: Kate Appelman

Modern photographer looking for honest, quirky and fun portraits worth framing. Dog lover, moment maker, coffee and chocolate enjoyer. On location, lifestyle, photojournalistic and in-studio locations.

Photo Day: Drink Box {Naperville Child Photographer}

Bebe H isn’t a gigantic fan of me taking photos of her all the time.  Sometimes, yes.  Lots of times – no. And this time – it was “No.”   And I promised I wasn’t taking a picture (I don’t know why I would think she’d buy that, since I had the camera up to…

Air {Naperville, IL Family Photographer – Appelman Images Photography}

This month’s blog-circle theme is  “Air”  and I had so many ideas… Papa throwing Bebe O in the air (but Papa was often tired and wasn’t up for playing toss-the-bebe), flying a kite (but the wind never cooperated when I was with-camera), bubbles, balloons, flags, fans – etc… Bebe H is often game for a…

Photo Day: Bouncy House {Naperville Child Photographer}

A new friend of mine has a daughter not a whole lot older than Bebe H (well, I guess it depends on how you’re calculating it… it’s three years difference, but it’s also double Bebe H’s age.) Anyway, we were invited to join in the fun for their six-year-old’s birthday party, to which we happily…