Author Archives: Kate Appelman

Modern photographer looking for honest, quirky and fun portraits worth framing. Dog lover, moment maker, coffee and chocolate enjoyer. On location, lifestyle, photojournalistic and in-studio locations.

Photo Day: Turtle Fort {Naperville Portrait Photographer}

I’ve been down and out with some sort of monster illness (Cold?  Sinus-infection? Head-falling-off?  Yes.), and I know I’ve been neglecting my photo blog recently. However, when Bebe H built this little fort and declared herself a turtle this morning, I just had to pull on my big-girl-britches and get the photo.   The little…

Photo Day: Walking with Grampa {Naperville Child Photographer}

We road-tripped over the Memorial Day holiday, which is always an event for our little family (6 hours in the car with a 3 year old and a one-year-old = 4 stops at McDonalds, a stop at Starbucks and a gas-station-junk-food run). Even though my and my husband’s family live all over the US,  this…