Author Archives: Kate Appelman

Modern photographer looking for honest, quirky and fun portraits worth framing. Dog lover, moment maker, coffee and chocolate enjoyer. On location, lifestyle, photojournalistic and in-studio locations.

Photo Day: Push Pops {Naperville Child Portraits}

Today’s photograph is the direct result of a sad (very minor) accident. While shopping at Target this afternoon, Bebe H got a TERRIBLE pinch in the buckle of the shopping cart child seat.  It looked like a tiny animal tried to bite off a chunk of her little finger.  Her sad little sobs were abated…

Photo Day: Flamingo Dress {Naperville Child Portraits}

By the end of the day the bebes have me completely exhausted. As anyone with small children will tell you, cleaning is futile, sitting down is a pipe-dream.  Good nutrition, healthy activities to nurture their growing minds and non-destructive movement are all goals to which we strive – but after 11 hours of 2 kids…

This month’s theme is Refreshing!

This month’s photography blog circle session coincided nicely with my youngest’s 1-1/2 year birthday portrait.  (He’s such a sweet little-old-man-bebe.  He’s totally happy to be here, man.  If you met him I guarantee you’d like him.) Since it’s been a relatively cold and rainy “summer”, I was feeling pretty awesome that today it’s 86 and…

Client Feature: Miss N {Naperville Headshots Photographer}

I got a call from Miss N’s sweet Mama one day while shopping at Michaels. My bebe O was asleep on my shoulder as I pushed my cart around the aisles, grazing over the Martha Stewart Glitter crafts…. Miss N’s Mama was looking for a headshot photographer for Miss N.  And they needed the photos,…

Photo Day: 18 Months {Naperville Child Portraits}

Where is the time going, little one?  And how can it seem like a long time ago and still only last week that you were born? Today is Bebe O’s 18 month birthday.  The bebes change so quickly we like to try to document this sort of thing. He says “Uh oh….”, “Pweese” (complete with…