Author Archives: Kate Appelman

Modern photographer looking for honest, quirky and fun portraits worth framing. Dog lover, moment maker, coffee and chocolate enjoyer. On location, lifestyle, photojournalistic and in-studio locations.

Photo Day: Cinderelly {Custom Child Photography}

Bebe H is pretty darn good at picking out outfits. She can pull off mis-matched socks, leggings and shorts with a faux-fur vest like nobody’s business. And though she’s fully aware that most folks she meets are *not* real princesses, she has no problem dressing like a princess herself. Today I needed to pick up…

Photo Day: Unposed Part II {Naperville Kid Portraits}

Bebe O is all Boy.  He’s always climbing, jumping, running straight for the street. He’s recently learned that he can pee at will, which has presented all sorts of fun at our house.  For instance, the other night he tried out his new trick after his bath – right out over the balcony.  Awesome.  :/…

Photo Day: Posing {Naperville Custom Portraits}

Ahhh, my girl.  Little Bebe H. Little Miss Skeptical.  Little Miss Lion-In-a-Lamb’s-Body.   A little bit Spock, a little bit diva.   We went to a Princess themed birthday party this weekend complete with a real live “Princess”.  When we were driving home, I asked her what her favorite part of the party was.  She…

Product Spotlight: Lifestyle Albums

The wonderful thing about Lifestyle sessions is that you get a LOT of photos. It’s a record of all the little things – not just *your* little loves, but the toys on your little girl’s dresser, or the books tossed about the floor, or a handful of seeds ready to plant.  It’s the details that…

Photo Day: Drips {Beautiful Child Portraits in Naperville}

Yesterday’s Push-Pop introduction was met enthusiastically by all the littles in my house. Bebe O won the award for Most Involved, taking it upon himself to experience the tactile joys of cold orange sherbet (from the top of his head, down his belly, in his diaper, and down to his teeny bebe toes.) Heart.  …