Author Archives: Kate Appelman

Modern photographer looking for honest, quirky and fun portraits worth framing. Dog lover, moment maker, coffee and chocolate enjoyer. On location, lifestyle, photojournalistic and in-studio locations.

Lifestyle Photography: Holding Court {Naperville Child Portraits}

Our neighborhood is pretty awesome.  It’s the kind that you drive through in the fall and see all the houses decorated for Halloween or with Harvest-y type stuff.  There’s lots of trees, so that adds to the color.  There’s always kids out playing.  In fact there’s a gaggle of boys that hang out just across…

Photo Day: Choices {Custom Naperville Photography}

Bebe H was feeling pretty good during our recent trip to Target. So good, in fact, that she behaved impeccably and earned herself a new toy. (This new toy may or may not have been actually for me, as both bebes had been fighting over the single bouncy ball at our house, and I may…

Photo Day: Candy Aisle {Custom Child Portraits}

Whenever I had a spare quarter as a child you can bet I always spent it on the same thing. Candy. And now, decades later, same thing.  Candy.  It always ends up (mysteriously?) in my shopping cart.  I can go through a Halloween size bag (the big bags for sharing, not the little individual sad-size…