A photographer-friend of mine suggested we start taking photos of ourselves. Just once a month. I let my youngest bebe help with these photos – in the top portrait you can almost see the top of his head and his little hand holding the camera strap. The second one is more of his perspective while…
[…] know you completed the circle! Now go follow the breadcrumbs and check out the amazing and talented Kate Appelman of Appelman Images Photography, (who i adore and follow regularly) to see what she did to get in the […]
Kate, you are so gorgeous! 🙂 Love the little’s perspective on Mommy! 🙂
Oh thank you Jennifer, that’s so kind! This project turned out to be more than I expected it to be. Looking forward to next months post… 🙂
Love this! and even more because you let your kiddo help pick which ones to use.
Thank you Stacy! I wasn’t sure he would understand what I was asking him to do at first when the photos were up on the screen, but he had definite and consistent opinions! It’s pretty wonderful!
Beautiful! I love that you enlisted some help! 🙂
Thanks! I was trying at first to set the camera up with a timer, but it wasn’t working out… his help worked it so much better!
These photos actually brought tears to my eyes…so often my photography is something that takes me away from my baby girl. How wonderful that it can be something we share. I have to borrow this idea if you don’t mind 🙂
🙂 Kristy! It made me tear up that it made YOU tear up!
Yes, please do and be sure to come back and post a link so I can check it out!
LOVE this! You are beautiful and the shots are GREAT. 🙂 I had my daughter take a couple photos of me and it definitely is much more intimidating being on the other side of the camera. <3 this project!
Olivia! Thanks so much! Haaha, Bebe O had a good time with the camera, even if all he wanted was to push the buttons!
omg i LOVE these! i love that you can see the canon strap lol. you are so gorgeous in these!
Thank you so much Robin, you’re so kind! And I knew a photog would appreciate the strap! 🙂